And... we are gone.
November, 18, 2008
We all rushed to 50... and there was nothing to do. Poor implementation and execution, Mythic. Damned you, EA!!!
Back to WOW we go. :(
Back to WOW we go. :(
September 16, 2008
_We've waited for YEARS for this game... AND ITS HERE!
We rolled ORDER on BADLANDS server! Let's GO!! Come on, come all!!
We rolled ORDER on BADLANDS server! Let's GO!! Come on, come all!!
Athena's Avatars Interviewed by WarhammerVault
August 16, 2008
1. What is the meaning of your guild's name?
Very few actually know Athena’s Avatars actually received its name from my best friend’s mom. I wanted the guild name to have some sort of connection to a Greek deity because I’ve always enjoyed the lore and myths surrounding ancient Greek and Roman deities. Athena, Zeus’s daughter, was one of the most celebrated Greek goddesses and she was as benevolent in peace as she was feared in war. Avatar, which at conception of the guilds’ name meant the incarnation of a god, has ended up over the years having a double meaning. Characters, toons, and avatars are all common names for in-game player controlled units.
2. What is the history of your guild?
Athena’s Avatars was formed June 21, 2002 in the game Dark Age of Camelot in Tir na Nog on the Igraine server. The guild evolved with the maturity of DAOC. We played in Beetle Hell, Click ate many of us, we discovered our first dungeon in Muire Tomb, which I’ll wholeheartedly stand by my original statement – “what a noobie hell zone” and finally were given a spot after waiting hours at the Fin Tree in the Cursed Forest. For some, this sentence is as cryptic as Egyptian hieroglyphs, but many understand and it is for those it was written. We reached the pinnacle of the game at 50 and began to unwittingly attempt to understand what killed us in the PVP zones. Considering there were so many different classes in the other realms, we all had a fun time discerning who did what and which classes posed the greatest threat. For a lot of us, DAOC was our first MMO. We soon became a well-known guild both in our own realm and in the PVP zones by enemy players and guilds.
-We remained in Hibernia on the Igraine server until the classic servers were introduced. We switched realms and went to Albion on the Gareth server.
-After Albion we moved to Midgard on the Ector server under the surname HEY YALL, which was a running joke in our guild. It was always nice to say HEY YALL to everyone we passed, friend and foe.
-June 1, 2006, we were finally pulled into WOW due to a number of things but primarily the small DAOC enemy population.
-We are waiting, impatiently, for a new game that has DAOC style PVP that we miss so much. Warhammer cannot come fast enough.
3. How many people are in your guild?
Currently, in WOW, we have about 275 active accounts with 490 members. We do, however, have many players that are still considered members of the guild that play other games or simply hate WOW. These players could easily number well into the hundreds. There are so many people associated with this guild it’s hard to put a number on our membership. At the core of this number resides a smaller number which is what makes the guild what it is today. There are about 45 people who have been with this guild since its conception. This group carries the old war stories and historical moments long gone and keeps them alive for the newer members to share a laugh in our mistakes and gawk at the unbelievable stunts we pulled.
4. How long has the core of your guild been together?
The core of the guild has been around since 2002, and some even earlier. The real core began forming in 2001, which is why the guild has always been attributed to having an additional year of life. AA is 7 years old, although for almost an entire year there wasn’t a guild name.
5. What style of play best describes your guild?
There is no one style found in the guild, but instead you will see many styles. We have mothers, fathers, and midget clowns who all like to play on different levels. As a guild we’ve always sought to accompany all types of play whether it is casual, extremely casual, or Myst related casual (which means you are hardcore for three days to a month, then flake). Many players are quite happy encountering average-difficulty encounters that are PVE based where others live for the thrill of the PVP hunt. Whatever makes a player tick, PVE or PVP, AA has always prided ourselves in being the best at what we do.
6. How is your guild structured?
A totalitarian tyrannical dictatorship. Believe nothing else. For additional questions, seek Ibaf. =) Not really – we listen to each other and try to please the greatest number of people with our decisions. We do have officers, but most of the guild is usually on the same page. We do not have an elaborate structure.
7. What part of WAR is most intriguing to the guild?
Although we loved the idea of the three realms, a duality can also work if engineered correctly. Warhammer presents a PVP based combat system that we are familiar with that would include open field combat, group combat, and RVR (realm vs realm) combat. These elements are all missing in wow, save the group arena combat. Although many people asked for it for years Mythic never caved to the 8-man group instanced fights. I think this was a wise decision primarily because although group combat may be what we were looking for the thrill of being steam rolled by 2,304 albs was always eminent – which was half the fun. Sometimes you got zerged, and fewer times you kill the zerg.
The design of the game, additionally, which includes zone combat similar to a board design – not allowing certain advancements on capital cities without first achieving the previous zone(s), will create a dynamic fighting zone every day. Surely there will be Emain and Tauren Mill equivalents, but the fight will not solely be in one zone because the objective is constantly changing. These additional objects create fantastic scenarios for players to venture into these zones and boost AA’s PVP points. Thanks guys!
8. What led your guild to play Destruction?
We are playing Destruction because AA has always played the "good" guys. No, not this time. We are going to be Destruction because we want to be the bad guys! We want to be nasty orcs and evil dark elves... MMM!
9. What are your guild's main objectives for WAR?
Firstly we’d like to establish ourselves and familiarize ourselves with the game. Similar to how we discovered what killed us in DAOC, we will do the same in WH. We will PVE a bit to level and get gear then turn our attention towards the PVP aspect of the game. Yes, the PVP aspect. We are coming to WH solely for the PVP. We’ve played wow for 2 years. We’ve had a good chunk of PVE already. The gloves are coming off and the PVP deprived Avatars will be coming to see blood, whether it be our own or yours, as long as someone is dying, we will be happy. Most likely the blood will be yours. Prepare your /release macros!
10. What country/countries is your guild from?
We are all over the globe. We have members on the east coast, pacific, west coast, Midwest, Dixie, Netherlands, UK, Spain, Africa, Australia and much more. We are from all over.
11. What are some of your past guild accomplishments?
In any realm oriented conquest it’s important to understand that no one single person or guild can take the claim of any victory. It does require multiple guilds working together in a congruent effort. However, in the years we played DAOC, I daresay anyone would contest the statement that AA led the battlefield and aided in bringing home more relics than any other guild. AA was notorious on Igraine for taking all 6 relics in a 24 hour period. I do believe we conquered the first relic when Gareth was released and took a few more on Mid Ector. One relic capture took over a week, but we held on against the mighty vast alb zerg!
At the PVP pinnacle of AA on Igraine, we ran a full rr10+ 8man. Only one or two were not RR11. Prior to NF, that was a fairly intimidating group to run into. We were, and will always be, a formidable pvp opponent. We also have surpassed a lot of high end raiding guilds in WOW on a 3 day a week raid schedule (12 hours).
All of these "accomplishments" are great and wonderful and definitely wager a boastful right, but the greatest achievement this guild has ever seen is its simple conception. It’s a refuge and home for so many people of so many walks of life and all of which we've have had the chance to become friends with. Many who don’t play today still check in on us every now and then and join vent to talk to us. I was 18 when I first started this guild. We’ve all gone to college together and for those who were younger when the guild formed they are now in college or about to be. We’ve watched each other grow up. It’s an amazing realization to look back over years of your gaming guild and see similar characteristics between your guild friends and your real life friends and the vast history in between. We’ve experienced the spectrum of emotions together – we’ve grieved the loss of family members together and triumphed together in a PVP victory. As silly as it may seem there is truth to this. Some guilds have been around as long as AA but few have the heart. Even fewer can say they have come as far as we have. I daresay there isn’t a better group of guys and gals out there and it’s only by sheer luck and randomness that we even assembled.
12. What seems to be the most popular class choice for your guild currently?
There have been talks about all the classes in great anticipation! I’ve heard a lot about the Zealot, Witch Elf, and probably chosen. A few were quite saddened when they discovered the Pink Orc wasn't real
13. What is your guild currently playing?
We are currently playing World of Warcraft.
14. Are you still seeking members? If so how can they contact you?
We are always looking for like minded players who want to be a part of us. The doors have always been open to friends and family. It's a huge bonus if you are hot, too. Pics or it didn't happen.
15. Who would win in a fight Paul Barnett or a Pink Orc?
The Pink Orc would definitely win, but only because AA didn’t get a guild beta invite. _
Actual Article HERE.
1. What is the meaning of your guild's name?
Very few actually know Athena’s Avatars actually received its name from my best friend’s mom. I wanted the guild name to have some sort of connection to a Greek deity because I’ve always enjoyed the lore and myths surrounding ancient Greek and Roman deities. Athena, Zeus’s daughter, was one of the most celebrated Greek goddesses and she was as benevolent in peace as she was feared in war. Avatar, which at conception of the guilds’ name meant the incarnation of a god, has ended up over the years having a double meaning. Characters, toons, and avatars are all common names for in-game player controlled units.
2. What is the history of your guild?
Athena’s Avatars was formed June 21, 2002 in the game Dark Age of Camelot in Tir na Nog on the Igraine server. The guild evolved with the maturity of DAOC. We played in Beetle Hell, Click ate many of us, we discovered our first dungeon in Muire Tomb, which I’ll wholeheartedly stand by my original statement – “what a noobie hell zone” and finally were given a spot after waiting hours at the Fin Tree in the Cursed Forest. For some, this sentence is as cryptic as Egyptian hieroglyphs, but many understand and it is for those it was written. We reached the pinnacle of the game at 50 and began to unwittingly attempt to understand what killed us in the PVP zones. Considering there were so many different classes in the other realms, we all had a fun time discerning who did what and which classes posed the greatest threat. For a lot of us, DAOC was our first MMO. We soon became a well-known guild both in our own realm and in the PVP zones by enemy players and guilds.
-We remained in Hibernia on the Igraine server until the classic servers were introduced. We switched realms and went to Albion on the Gareth server.
-After Albion we moved to Midgard on the Ector server under the surname HEY YALL, which was a running joke in our guild. It was always nice to say HEY YALL to everyone we passed, friend and foe.
-June 1, 2006, we were finally pulled into WOW due to a number of things but primarily the small DAOC enemy population.
-We are waiting, impatiently, for a new game that has DAOC style PVP that we miss so much. Warhammer cannot come fast enough.
3. How many people are in your guild?
Currently, in WOW, we have about 275 active accounts with 490 members. We do, however, have many players that are still considered members of the guild that play other games or simply hate WOW. These players could easily number well into the hundreds. There are so many people associated with this guild it’s hard to put a number on our membership. At the core of this number resides a smaller number which is what makes the guild what it is today. There are about 45 people who have been with this guild since its conception. This group carries the old war stories and historical moments long gone and keeps them alive for the newer members to share a laugh in our mistakes and gawk at the unbelievable stunts we pulled.
4. How long has the core of your guild been together?
The core of the guild has been around since 2002, and some even earlier. The real core began forming in 2001, which is why the guild has always been attributed to having an additional year of life. AA is 7 years old, although for almost an entire year there wasn’t a guild name.
5. What style of play best describes your guild?
There is no one style found in the guild, but instead you will see many styles. We have mothers, fathers, and midget clowns who all like to play on different levels. As a guild we’ve always sought to accompany all types of play whether it is casual, extremely casual, or Myst related casual (which means you are hardcore for three days to a month, then flake). Many players are quite happy encountering average-difficulty encounters that are PVE based where others live for the thrill of the PVP hunt. Whatever makes a player tick, PVE or PVP, AA has always prided ourselves in being the best at what we do.
6. How is your guild structured?
A totalitarian tyrannical dictatorship. Believe nothing else. For additional questions, seek Ibaf. =) Not really – we listen to each other and try to please the greatest number of people with our decisions. We do have officers, but most of the guild is usually on the same page. We do not have an elaborate structure.
7. What part of WAR is most intriguing to the guild?
Although we loved the idea of the three realms, a duality can also work if engineered correctly. Warhammer presents a PVP based combat system that we are familiar with that would include open field combat, group combat, and RVR (realm vs realm) combat. These elements are all missing in wow, save the group arena combat. Although many people asked for it for years Mythic never caved to the 8-man group instanced fights. I think this was a wise decision primarily because although group combat may be what we were looking for the thrill of being steam rolled by 2,304 albs was always eminent – which was half the fun. Sometimes you got zerged, and fewer times you kill the zerg.
The design of the game, additionally, which includes zone combat similar to a board design – not allowing certain advancements on capital cities without first achieving the previous zone(s), will create a dynamic fighting zone every day. Surely there will be Emain and Tauren Mill equivalents, but the fight will not solely be in one zone because the objective is constantly changing. These additional objects create fantastic scenarios for players to venture into these zones and boost AA’s PVP points. Thanks guys!
8. What led your guild to play Destruction?
We are playing Destruction because AA has always played the "good" guys. No, not this time. We are going to be Destruction because we want to be the bad guys! We want to be nasty orcs and evil dark elves... MMM!
9. What are your guild's main objectives for WAR?
Firstly we’d like to establish ourselves and familiarize ourselves with the game. Similar to how we discovered what killed us in DAOC, we will do the same in WH. We will PVE a bit to level and get gear then turn our attention towards the PVP aspect of the game. Yes, the PVP aspect. We are coming to WH solely for the PVP. We’ve played wow for 2 years. We’ve had a good chunk of PVE already. The gloves are coming off and the PVP deprived Avatars will be coming to see blood, whether it be our own or yours, as long as someone is dying, we will be happy. Most likely the blood will be yours. Prepare your /release macros!
10. What country/countries is your guild from?
We are all over the globe. We have members on the east coast, pacific, west coast, Midwest, Dixie, Netherlands, UK, Spain, Africa, Australia and much more. We are from all over.
11. What are some of your past guild accomplishments?
In any realm oriented conquest it’s important to understand that no one single person or guild can take the claim of any victory. It does require multiple guilds working together in a congruent effort. However, in the years we played DAOC, I daresay anyone would contest the statement that AA led the battlefield and aided in bringing home more relics than any other guild. AA was notorious on Igraine for taking all 6 relics in a 24 hour period. I do believe we conquered the first relic when Gareth was released and took a few more on Mid Ector. One relic capture took over a week, but we held on against the mighty vast alb zerg!
At the PVP pinnacle of AA on Igraine, we ran a full rr10+ 8man. Only one or two were not RR11. Prior to NF, that was a fairly intimidating group to run into. We were, and will always be, a formidable pvp opponent. We also have surpassed a lot of high end raiding guilds in WOW on a 3 day a week raid schedule (12 hours).
All of these "accomplishments" are great and wonderful and definitely wager a boastful right, but the greatest achievement this guild has ever seen is its simple conception. It’s a refuge and home for so many people of so many walks of life and all of which we've have had the chance to become friends with. Many who don’t play today still check in on us every now and then and join vent to talk to us. I was 18 when I first started this guild. We’ve all gone to college together and for those who were younger when the guild formed they are now in college or about to be. We’ve watched each other grow up. It’s an amazing realization to look back over years of your gaming guild and see similar characteristics between your guild friends and your real life friends and the vast history in between. We’ve experienced the spectrum of emotions together – we’ve grieved the loss of family members together and triumphed together in a PVP victory. As silly as it may seem there is truth to this. Some guilds have been around as long as AA but few have the heart. Even fewer can say they have come as far as we have. I daresay there isn’t a better group of guys and gals out there and it’s only by sheer luck and randomness that we even assembled.
12. What seems to be the most popular class choice for your guild currently?
There have been talks about all the classes in great anticipation! I’ve heard a lot about the Zealot, Witch Elf, and probably chosen. A few were quite saddened when they discovered the Pink Orc wasn't real
13. What is your guild currently playing?
We are currently playing World of Warcraft.
14. Are you still seeking members? If so how can they contact you?
We are always looking for like minded players who want to be a part of us. The doors have always been open to friends and family. It's a huge bonus if you are hot, too. Pics or it didn't happen.
15. Who would win in a fight Paul Barnett or a Pink Orc?
The Pink Orc would definitely win, but only because AA didn’t get a guild beta invite. _
Actual Article HERE.
August 8, 2007
Stay tuned for more AA warhammer news!